The Other Woman

… was pretty daring
… was a risk-taker even if she stepped on other peoples shoes
… took over my life.

… felt weak
… felt defeated
… never felt so ugly.

… took away the love of my husband
… took over the trust of my son
… destroyed my life
… was a freaking monster!

… tried to find my peace, my inner peace
… found out that I already won
… just have to show her that I was still the winner.
… had to take a stand!

… got my act together.
… focused on my family
… took a step or two for my husband
… earned my son’s love and trust
… picked up the life where I left off.

I realized…
I am so much daring than she
I am so much prettier than she
I am so much more awesome than she is!

….. was the Goddess in Me
….. was that Other Woman who controlled me
….. did not know God.
….. disregard change.

Am the changed Woman
Am the changed Mother
Am the changed Wife
Am a Changed Person

The Other Woman does not exist anymore.
I am now what God changed me to be.


Posted by on August 24, 2023 in Contemporary, God, Uncategorized


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Ronnie di Marco

Daily writing prompt
Where did your name come from?

Yo! DiMarco!

My friends would yell my last name like I’m the only one person living on this last name.

My parents were fanatics of Mafia movies especially The Godfather Trilogy.

I’m glad it wasn’t like Michaela Corleone diMarco..

or maybe a Francesca Fanucci diMarco.

Hell… they would have named the Five families on my siblings if I had any sisters or brothers at all!

I love my name.



Them: Yo! DiMarco!

Me: stop that.

Them: what if we don’t?

Me: I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse.



Posted by on August 24, 2023 in comedy, Family, Uncategorized


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The Cross.


Two wooden logs.
In a shape of a “t”.
A man was nailed to it.
An innocent man was nailed to it.

This man was a carpenter.
Like every other man during that time.
Would you have believed him,
… when He said he was God’s Son?

He was mocked.
He was whipped and was being spat at.
They let him wear a crown of thorns.
That pierced through his skin.

Stabbed with a spear.
Imagine the pain He went through.
Can you?
Oh the agony!

But did you know…?
He did not die in vain.
He suffered and died for all our sins!
The sins.. that he did not do.

He’s the son of a carpenter.
He’s the Son of God.
He’s the coming King.
His name is JESUS.



Posted by on March 26, 2016 in Christian, death, Uncategorized


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My Silent Cry

..its the fact that dying is the most inevitable thing.

..its the fact that i want to be with you everyday.

..its the fact that if i can turn back time..i would.

..its the fact that your time is limited..but what i’m going to give has no limits at all.


Looking at you makes me want to die first.


..its the fact that I want to hold your hand forever.

..its the fact that hearing your laughter makes my heart soar.

..its the fact that I won’t be able to hear it because life is being unfair to you.


I’m crying while i’m writing this and i hope you don’t see me.


You are is that what makes me human.

You are is what it means to be alive.

You are is a gift.

You are is my life.

….Beyond Grief.

I promise to make your life worthwhile.

I promise to show more love.

I promise ..

i promise to not promise not to cry when the time comes.


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Posted by on July 15, 2015 in Uncategorized


He is coming soon….



The time is nigh, the time is near

The coming of the Lord is at hand

The day of redemption is coming close

We are all going home..

We who follow the Lord.



Each of us will be judged

According to what we have done

Great and small, we will stand before the throne.

If your name is not found in the Book of Life,

You will be thrown into the lake of fire.



The time is nigh, the end is near.

Haven’t you heard, haven’t you seen?

Earthquakes and famines, they beset us like plagues!

Wars and rumors of wars.

Praying and God interdict to be mentioned.

Aren’t we told to make HIM known?



“I am coming, I am coming back.”

I am coming back soon, Jesus said that.

I will be ready. I have to be ready.

For I know, He will come like a thief in the night.

….but nobody knows when….



Better be prepared.

The time is nigh, the time is near.

The end is coming.

Come Lord Jesus! Come quickly!

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Posted by on May 20, 2015 in Christian, Endtimes, God


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My Eyes vs My Father’s Eyes


I see a puddle of mud

The aftermath of rain

My Father sees a new beginning

For every rain comes a rainbow



I see my muddy shoes

Traversed on puddles

My Father sees hard work

A reward waits from being industrious



I see dirty clothes

The only ones I have

My Father sees humility

Despite my shame



I see myself unloved

Though my Father loved me more than anybody else!

I see myself pained, hurt and living in sin

..but my Father sees an angel with a broken wing.



He died for me.

..and took away all my sins…

Just to show me how much He loves me.

He gave me eyes to see the way things are.

Do you have a Father like that?

Mine is called Jesus Christ.


Posted by on May 15, 2015 in Christian, God


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My Mother and My Grandmother



I grew up learning my do’s and don’ts with my Grandmother.

Though living with her may seem like hell during my adolescent years,

..because of her strictly-straight-arrow-spanish-blood-attitude,

I grew up living with only 2 rules.

Either you be straight as a fiddle or be broken into pieces,

Your choice!

Grandma may be strict but with so much love.

Grandma’s words may hurt but a challenge was always welcomed.

She may see a blooming heart but never stopped teaching when I think I’m good enough!

She wanted everything to be perfect, just like the way she was.

If you love yourself, she said, you always try to perfect your ways.

If you respect yourself, you learn to respect others and in return respect is given back.

Grandma loved to cook. I hated it when I was small.

I always stayed home to assist her when everybody in the family would go out and have fun.

She would always ask for me, to stay and help.

I resented it.

But little did I know that inside me is a growing-Chef that wanted to learn more!

I miss her cooking, I miss the scrumptious food, I miss assisting her.

Now I’m all grown up and have a family of my own,

I found out that my life is to cook!

My first love is cooking and my 2nd love is writing!

I never knew that all my resentments during those time were all to let me become what I am now.

A doting mother like she was, can never sleep when her children were sick.

A loving mother who disciplines and lets you get it when you’re not on the right track!

This is what I’ve learned from you MommyBaby.

Which I aptly follow through with my son.

“Either you be straight as a fiddle or be broken into pieces!”

So far so good, I will never be like you because MommyBaby is mommyBaby!

If there was one thing I could able myself like’s how you cook!

I will always miss you Mommy, and I love you!


Though at times I could never fathom the way you do what you do.

Even if it hurts you, you still strive and struggle just to provide..

The needs of your children.

There may be times that I forget to say thank you,

..because for some reason we have fought over those things.

We may agree to disagree but you would always win.

You never say you were too tired, or your arms and back ache do the laundry or wash the dishes, that’s after work..

You never make me help though, you just make me wipe the water off the plates and hang the clothes to dry off.

We may never have been that close then but I can feel your love…so much more now.

You can’t stand to see us in pain,

You can’t stand to see us hurt- physically or emotionally.

Sometimes we may not hear you say you love us – outrightly

But your actions are so strong that words cannot describe it!

Your sacrifices for us are stronger than anything in this world.

Mama, there is nothing in this world that I would rather be

To be with you is all I ask.

I promise you when the time comes that I will take care of you, to love you and to provide you more than you need.

I’m happy that I’ve become strong .. and stronger I will be because..

Of 2 great women in my life.

My Mother and My Grandmother.


Posted by on June 26, 2014 in Family


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The Fruit of the Spirit


What can be more challenging
Than loving somebody who hates you?
But wouldn’t it be more fun and exciting,
To drive by and throw rocks at that person
Then shout…”it’s because I love you!”
If only. …but No.


It’s a crazy world out there.
Death gets hold of a member in the family.
The minister says, “isn’t it a joy to celebrate death?”
If you don’t get it, you somehow like to strike the minister.
..but if you do get it…
“To be born twice, is to die only once.”
“To be born once is to die twice.”
Think wisely.


Where is peace, when I’m hungry?
Where is peace, when I’m penniless?
Why can’t I have peace?
So much I tried but I can’t seem to make it stay.
*Give up everything and go find your peace.
The Lord says, “the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace.”
Let meekness reside in you.


Do I need to?
Haven’t I suffered enough?
Do I need to undergo this battle?
Do I have to curse people just to prove my point?
That I am right and you are all wrong?
Imagine yourself sitting there and doing nothing.
Seeing Jesus dying on the cross,
Being spat at and crowned with thorns.
Do you think you have the right to live a lavish life after all you’ve done?
Give it all up then you can shorten your Long-longsuffering into just “longsuffering!”


Be kind to one another.
Helping. Sharing.
Understanding. Caring. Sharing.
Too much of yourself to your neighbors house is annoying.
Too much of your asking is annoying and begets self-demeaning.
On the contrary, love without sharing is not worth anything.
..but you also cannot share without loving.
Kindness is to give all you’ve got,
What is yours is mine-remind me every pay day!


Do you believe in good things?
Even if you think you don’t deserve it?
What do you deserve then?
A lashing? A hundred times lashing perhaps?
But No.
You deserve all the goodness in the world.
Though a legion of bad on top of your head,
You still deserve goodness.
HE created you. You deserve to live life.
But its your choice how you live your life!


O you of little faith!
You keep your faith inside your underpants!
O you of little faith!
You shame yourself because of your obscenities!
Your unfaithfulness leads to your disobedience!
….but though your sins may be as red as scarlet,
Our forgiving God will blot out all your inequities as once He did with mine.


Neither harsh nor violent
In words and in deeds
Soft and delicate are your ways
Your tender ways are all kind and amiable.
You will be loved, you will be longed.
Instead you flock yourself with people who entice you
With everything that’s just wrong!


…..But No.

God will not give you the fruit of the spirit at an instant when you ask for it.
Instead He gives you situations where you are able to learn it within yourself!


Posted by on May 29, 2014 in Christian, God


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A Sinner’s Lament.

forgiven_post_cards-r5bfe12dedc214b0692e1cc187850e954_vgbaq_8byvr_324I. Confessions of a Sinner.

I’ve lied to many people to get away from being reprimanded.
Including my parents who have long thought I was a saint.
I was a saint in their own eyes.
I know I have pledged my ways…

…but the enticement to do the wrong was unbearably strong.

I’ve killed vagueness with vulgarity.
In which too much attention drove me to the spotlight.
I’ve punished those whom I’ve thought,
Had they stolen my rightful spot.

Made friends with people carrying pitchforks.
I was vain, haughty and greedy.
I am not proud of it now.
I know I once was.

I have my share of love found and love lost.
I have my share of wicked infidelities.
Wicked schemes of revenge.
Lustfullness to unimaginable extremity.

I was not happy.

I am not proud of all the things I’ve done.
I have suffered severe consequence.
Consequeneces that made me writhe in pain.
I was emotionally drained, bleeding and dying spiritually.

Where I can’t be found.

II. Redemption of a Sinner.

First time in my life I closed my eyes.
Knelt down to pray, I asked for pardon against my sins.
Would He ever forgive me, I asked myself.
Because I know, I am not worthy of His grace.

I just knelt not thinking of anything.

What do I pray? I asked myself again.
Then a shadow came over me.
I blinked open and saw the sun was in my eyes.
Too bright that I couldn’t see.

I heard a voice inside my head.
It said, “my Child, why are you afraid of me?
Come to me.
I will give you rest.

I knew it was Him.

I felt so ashamed.
I felt so scared.
I felt so little.

His voice called out my deepest fears and pains.
Everything that has been pulling my life down seem to loosen its weight.
His soothing words calmed my beating heart.
My nights turned to days.

He said, I love you.
I will never forsake you.
I have been waiting for you.

I cried with all my heart.
I cried all the hurts and the sins tht has kept me in bondage all these time.
I cried all the pain that tortured me and left me for dead all these years.
I choked on my tears when I envisioned myself kneeling at his feet.
He pulled me up and cradled me in His arms.

The whole time, He was there.
When I felt so alone and no one to turn to,
He was there.
He loved me despite my inequities.
He cared for me.
He died for my sins.
He redeemed me of my sins.

I know..

He saved me.

I know..

JESUS loves me.

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Posted by on August 29, 2013 in Christian, God


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What do you call a man who is noble in stature, but not in character.
His playground is the hearts of men.
His content is not with the wise.
To turn back from the world,
Would be a lack of judgement.

He is respected by many,
Loved by a few.
He’d go Sunday after Sunday.
His fulfillment is a circumstance.

He wants more though he has plenty.
He does not know what it is to be in need.
He can think about such things.
But not admirable in the sight of God.

A turn of events began to take its toll.
Frailty of the body is what he suffered most.
Almost down to nothing to preserve his life.
What is there to gain when you have nothing to lose?

Lying on his bed he thought of what has passed.
He realized he wasted too much energy on something he couldn’t gain.
He silently prayed with tears in his eyes.
A peaceful mind, opens a hope to move on.

There is hope.
Though in his weakness,
God made him strong.
He studied the Bible and led on a noble life and humbleness in his heart.

He learned the secret of being content.
He learned to discern.
He seized the oppurtunity of knowing God.
Learning the ways of God and putting it into practice.

He now thinks about such things –
Whatever is true, whatever is noble,
Whatever is right, whatever is pure,
Whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable,
If anything is excellent and praiseworthy.

What could be more nobler than this…?

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Posted by on August 29, 2013 in Uncategorized


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